Tale and Fairy Tale in English and Italian


The purpose of the project is to explore tales and fairy tales in English and Italian by analysing the elements that go to make up these stories, and investigating the features they have in common i.e. the use of animals ,considering whether they  have a meaning beyond the actual story and deciding whether they are just for children. Some of the tales are retellings  common to both countries and some are in any way different in the two cultures. Before the exchange part of the project students reached an agreement as to the texts they had to examine: ”Pinocchio” for the English group and “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” for the Italian group. This was done using  E-mail and fax and English was the vehicular language. Students  exchanged copies of the texts so that they were able to look at the way in which the story is presented. They collaborated in producing simplified versions of both texts and establishing personal contact to facilitate their working together during the exchange part of the project. The  result of the project presenting their findings is the Gold CD-Rom herewith attached. The chief activity of the Italian students, has involved even their art knowledge -they have connected Alice’s world with some famous paintings such as Monet, Rousseau, Matisse…- as well as their sketching ability.

The CD-Rom, thus produced, will be used in ours and also in other schools of this area as a teaching tool to increase motivation for language learning.  It is hoped that it would also have an appeal for the upper end of local primary schools and could certainly be used in primary liaison activities. Moreover this multimedial work will likewise be included in the 5th year-   programm of the students involved in the experience.






